Awesome 7 Projects Ideas To Master Frontend Development

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If you're looking to become a frontend developer, there are 7 projects you should master.

1. Real Time Chat.

2. Ecommerce Website .

3.Weather App.

4. Personal Portfolio .

5. Music player.

6. Quiz Game.

7. Calculator .


  1. Real - Time chat App: A Real-Time chat application sends and shows messages to a recipient instantly without any page refresh.

  2. E - Commerce Store: E-commerce stores allow users to buy and sell goods using the internet and transfers money, etc.

  3. Whether Report App: A Weather Report App provides the user with current weather details and forecasts as well for the future.

  4. Personal - Portfolio: Personal Portfolio is a place, you can also list out your experience, achievements, and any other relevant information.

  5. Music - Player : Music Player can be a feasible choice. Everyone should focus on expanding out the application's functionality as a new JavaScript developer.

  6. Quiz - App: You should be familiar with DOM manipulation before you begin working on this project. You can start with a small quiz(mcq).

  7. Calculator: A Calculator project with arithmetic operations functionalities like addition, subtraction, will be highly useful to a novice who has the essential knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


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